Experienced Chiropractic Care
Dedicated to improving your health and wellbeing through effective chiropractic treatments tailored to your needs.
Chiropractic Services
Expert care for musculoskeletal health and overall wellbeing tailored to your needs.
Visiting a Chiropractor FAQs
Question: What happens during the first consultation (initial assessment)?
Answer: The chiropractor will take a detailed case history and carry out a physical examination. This will help the chiropractor determine a working diagnosis for your condition and a suitable course of treatment.
Question: What will the chiropractor explain before commencing treatment?
Answer: Before commencing with any treatment, the chiropractor will explain their recommended course of care, how it may be expected to improve your condition as well as any risks and possible side effects.
Question: What if chiropractic treatment is not suitable for your condition?
Answer: If the chiropractor does not believe that chiropractic treatment can improve your specific condition or has concerns regarding other health conditions which you may have, they may refer you to another healthcare professional, such as your General Practitioner.
Question: Is consent needed for treatment?
Answer: Your chiropractor cannot start any course of care until you have provided consent.
Question: What should the chiropractor explain before treatment starts?
Answer: Before treatment starts, the chiropractor will explain what they have found during the physical examination and propose a treatment plan, including the benefits and possible risks. You should take this opportunity to ask questions or request further explanation if anything remains unclear.
Question: Do I need to give permission (consent) to the chiropractor before starting any treatment?
Answer: Before starting any treatment, you will need to give your permission (consent) to the chiropractor.
Question: How will I know agreement how much you will pay for each treatment appointment.
Answer: The prices of each treatment appointment are clearly displayed on the website on this page above.
Question: What if you're asked to remove clothing?
Answer: You will not be asked to remove your clothing. Instead, you will be advised on suitable clothing to wear to enable them to examine and treat you.
Question: Can I bring someone with me?
Answer: Yes. It’s fine for you to bring along a relative or friend if it makes you feel more at ease. Your chiropractor may also want another person (a ‘chaperone’) to be present during your treatment. This may be a clinic assistant, for example.
Question: Where do chiropractors treat patients?
Answer: Chiropractors treat patients in many different settings, including private, group or multi-disciplinary clinics and practices.
Question: Is treatment done in a private room?
Answer: In most cases, chiropractors will undertake treatment in a private room. You will be treated in a private room.
Question: What is a care plan?
Answer: Before your treatment starts, the chiropractor will create and then agree with you on an initial short care plan. This care plan will include the chiropractor reassessing your progress regularly.
Question: How often will I need treatments?
Answer: Treatments may occur one or more times per week, with most patients, depending on general health age and fitness level, seeing improvement in their condition within a short period of time. Following the initial care plan, most patients will not require any further treatment. However, patients with complex, long-term, or reoccurring conditions may require an extended care plan depending on how quickly they respond to treatment.
Question: What if my condition doesn't improve?
Answer: If you feel your condition has not improved within a few weeks of starting treatment, your chiropractor should discuss other possible care options or may refer you to another healthcare professional.
Question: How long will I need to be treated?
Answer: How long you will need to be treated will depend on how quickly your condition responds to treatment. That is something the chiropractor is unlikely to be able to judge at the start of treatment.
Question: Can I stop treatment at any time?
Answer: You can decide to stop treatment at any time you like. You will not be expected to pay for treatments you have not received.
Question: When are X-rays or MRI scans necessary?
Answer: There are strict guidelines regarding the use of x-rays and MRI scans. Your chiropractor should only recommend x-rays or scans if there is a valid clinical reason.
Question: Why might a chiropractor use images?
Answer: Some chiropractors use images to check that the patient does not have any serious health conditions affecting their spine, such as a fracture or tumour, or to help them determine where to adjust the spine.
Question: Are x-rays always necessary for low back pain?
Answer: In most cases of non-traumatic musculoskeletal low back pain, an x-ray is not necessary. If your chiropractor does recommend an x-ray, ask them to explain the reasons why it is necessary for treating you.
Question: Where are x-rays taken?
Answer: Some chiropractors can take x-rays in-house. If not, they will refer to a suitable clinic where the x-ray can be taken.
Question: Can I refuse treatment?
Answer: Yes. The chiropractor's role is to deliver their recommended course of care to you. However, it is your decision whether or not to accept their treatment recommendations. Your consent is needed before any treatment can take place, and you should know and understand what you are consenting to.
Question: How much does treatment cost?
Answer: Costs vary depending upon the location and the nature of the practice. If you have not visited the chiropractor before, they will need an initial assessment of your condition before starting treatment.
Question: What is included in the initial assessment fee?
Answer: The initial assessment and first treatment may be charged together or separately. It is advisable to check what is included in the initial assessment fee. Fees should be explained and agreed upon in advance, and you should not be required to pay significant up-front costs.
Question: Is chiropractic available on the NHS?
Answer: Chiropractic isn’t widely available on the NHS. Most people who have chiropractic treatment pay either privately or through their health insurance schemes.
Question: Do I need to inform my General Practitioner about treatment?
Answer: You are not required to inform your General Practitioner about any chiropractic treatment that you have received. However, you are free to do so.
Question: Can my chiropractor speak with my General Practitioner?
Answer: You may also request your chiropractor to speak with your General Practitioner if you have any concerns or issues regarding your health or condition.
Treatment FAQs
Question: Is treatment painful?
Answer: Treatment is usually painless unless an area is swollen. If this is the case, your chiropractor will alter the treatment that you receive. You may also hear a clicking or popping noise. This is perfectly normal and commonplace with chiropractic treatment.
Question: What about aches and pains after treatment?
Answer: Some patients also report temporary aches and pains during and after treatment. Again, this is nothing to worry about and is perfectly normal.
Question: What if I'm uncomfortable with the techniques used?
Answer: If you are uncomfortable with the techniques being used during your treatment, you should talk to your chiropractor.
Question: Are there different chiropractic techniques?
Answer: There are many different chiropractic techniques. Some chiropractors perform joint manipulation using only their hands while others use various instruments. Additionally, some chiropractors treat using quick but firm manipulation while others have a lighter touch
Question: How is chiropractic treatment determined?
Answer: Chiropractic treatment is largely driven by the individual preferences of both the chiropractor and the patient, but adjustment choices are made for clinical reasons.
Question: How will my progress be monitored?
Answer: At the start of your care, the chiropractor will explain what improvements they hope to achieve and when these might occur. The chiropractor will monitor your progress at each visit.
Question: What happens if my condition doesn't improve after a few treatments?
Answer: If not, the chiropractor will reassess you and decide whether to change their treatment approach or refer you for further investigation or treatment to a different healthcare professional. If your chiropractor decides to refer you to another healthcare professional, they will ask for your consent to communicate with that professional regarding your treatment.
Question: Is chiropractic treatment safe?
Answer: Chiropractic treatment is safe when performed correctly by a trained and registered chiropractor.
Question: What are the side effects of chiropractic treatment?
Answer: It is common to experience mild to moderate aches and pains, stiffness and tiredness. However, these side effects are usually mild and generally pass within a few days. More serious side effects are rare but have occasionally been reported following spine manipulation.
Question: What if I have a pre-existing medical condition?
Answer: If you have a pre-existing medical condition, certain risks may increase. For this reason, the chiropractor will take a detailed medical history and examine you prior to treatment (the initial assessment). It is essential that you provide the chiropractor with accurate information regarding your medical history. The chiropractor is obliged to treat all information confidentially. Any particular risks that may be relevant to you or your condition should be explained by the chiropractor before consent to treatment is given.
Concerns FAQs
Question: What if someone is falsely claiming to be a chiropractor?
Answer: It is a criminal offence for anyone to describe themselves as a chiropractor without being registered with the General Chiropractic Council (GCC). If you have concerns that someone may be describing themselves as a chiropractor, or is not registered with the GCC, you can inform us here.
Question: What happens if a chiropractor fails to uphold the GCC's Code of Practice?
Answer: If a chiropractor has failed to uphold the GCC’s Code of Practise they may be suspended from working as a chiropractor and, if necessary, removed from the register altogether.
Question: What should I do if I have concerns regarding treatment?
Answer: All chiropractors must have a procedure to deal with complaints promptly and fairly. If you have concerns regarding the treatment you have received, it may be worth trying to resolve the issue directly with the chiropractor.
Question: What if I'm still not satisfied after speaking with the chiropractor?
Answer: If you are still not satisfied, the chiropractor must inform you of your right to complain to the GCC.
Question: How do I contact the GCC with a complaint?
Answer: If you prefer to contact the GCC, visit the Concerns about a Chiropractor section of our website.
Question: Can I see my records and x-rays?
Answer: Patients have the right to see all their records and x-rays from the chiropractic practice or clinic. If you decide to move to another practice, or to see a different chiropractor, you can request your records and x-rays to be transferred. Transfers may incur an administration fee.
Question: How long are records kept?
Answer: The practice or chiropractor will store and maintain your records for eight years from the date of your last treatment. This is in line with the requirements covered in the NHS Records Management Code of Practice.
[1] frequently-asked-questions https://www.gcc-uk.org/patient-portal/frequently-asked-questions
Chiropractic Prices
Initial Consultation, including medical and lifestyle history, physical examination including Chiropractic, Orthopaedic and Neurological tests, Report of Findings and, if appropriate, treatment, the price is £90.
For a follow-up treatment appointment, the price is £55
Contact Our Chiropractic Clinic
Get in touch for appointments, inquiries, or more information about our chiropractic services and how we can help you.
0141 473 2055
Chiropractic Care
Visit Mearns Chiropractic at illuminated thinking in Mearns Castle Golf Academy for exceptional care and a welcoming environment focused on your health and well-being.